虎尾科大41週年校慶 印度排燈節慶典今晚登場


排燈節係印度等中南半島國家的新年,本校為幫助印度學生融入校園,並緩解疫情下的思鄉之情,特別安排「排燈節」活動,和遠道而來的異國學子一同過年!為增進外籍生跨校交流,特邀請成功大學印度外籍生組團前來,共襄盛舉。當日慶典活動國際處精心設計豐富的印度傳統節目,包括藍果麗(Rangoli)藝術體驗、普加(Pooja)祈福儀式、陶缽酥油燈(Diya)體驗、寶萊塢(Bollywood)劇場表演。活動由印度學生會擔任主持人,生動演繹道地的國際文化知識和印度特有的英文詞彙,以及印度文化大揭秘猜謎互動遊戲。印度學生會並精心準備溫馨的印度佳餚饗宴,包含印度雞肉咖哩、羊肉咖哩、素食咖哩、烤雞(Tandoori Chicken)、烤餅(Naan)、胡蘿蔔哈瓦(Carrot Halwa)及飲品等道地料理,讓賓客參與盛宴、滿載而歸。

校長張信良表示,雖受疫情影響,本校國際處仍與印度姊妹校保持遠端聯繫,透過駐印度代表處的牽線,今年也和加爾各答總統大學(Presidency University)、印度理工學院等知名當地大學洽談簽建姊妹校,包括台印交換學生、交換教師及實驗室實習等國際交流合作計畫。虎尾科大會繼續透過各種學術與藝術文化活動,促進跨國文化之間差異上的理解與融合,創造多元包容的友善校園環境。


Good evening to everyone! Welcome, all of you, to join the 2021 NFU Diwali Celebration!

Today is our consecutive 4th year of Diwali Celebrations at NFU. NFU Diwali provides our international students from India an excellent opportunity to share their much-loved cultural tradition with all of the peoples of this land. In the broader sense, Diwali reflects the growing cultural diversity at NFU. In addition, I would like to welcome the Indian students from National Cheng Kung University especially. The inter-campus activities bring NFU Diwali to an outstanding level.

This year, NFU Indian Students Association and International Affairs Office provided exciting activities for the Diwali Celebration, such as Rangoli art, Pooja, Diya experience, Bollywood performance, Culture exploration and Festival riddle to share with all. After these, we also provide the local Indian cuisine, including chicken curry, lamb curry, veggie curry, tandoori, naan, carrot halwa, and drinks for all of you to enjoy this particular moment. However, I shall remind you to be careful while dining delicious but highly spicy food. (Laugh)

NFU Diwali has become a platform to share cultural experiences with all NFU students and participants. As I know, Diwali symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, of good over evil and of the renewal of life. So I wish the Indian students and all the participants a Happy Diwali, enjoy the exciting event and relish Indian cuisine!

Thank you, everyone, for making NFU Diwali Festival so bright and colorful.